Ok, so I been a bit lazy for a while! Shame on me! Going to start kicking up a few notches. Since I last posted I have actually gotten a lot of buildings done (as seen on papanurgle.com ). That being said in the next week I plan on posting those up.
Besides that, I have recently started back on my Necrons and I need to get off my ass and finish out my Death Guard that I been picking at for a few years now.
SO lets get to the meat of it, over the next few weeks these are my objectives (in no particular order):
1)Show my progress on my Mordheim Terrain
2) Show my work on my Necrons to date
3) Start My Kitbash of the Triarch Pratorean/Lychguard set into different Cryptek Harbringers
4) Give my thoughts on all things Gaming from Wargaming in a myriad of forms, Table top RPGs, and just the geek games I have love for many years and the state of things from then to now.
If you are reading this, I hope I don't bore you too much and I hope you stick around!